Who We Represent

Our Local Communities

Who We Represent

We represent you, the business community.

Vail Valley Partnership is an organization of businesses seeking to further their collective interests, while advancing their community and our region. We exist to advocate on behalf of the community at large, economic prosperity, and business interests. We represent our members – we are a business-led organization focused on civic and economic advancement.

We focus on five primary goals: Building communities to which residents, visitors and investors are attracted; Promoting those communities; Striving to ensure future prosperity via a pro-business climate; Representing the unified voice of the employer community; and Reducing transactional friction through well-functioning networks. We are led by private-sector employers, self-funded, organized around boards/committees of volunteers, and independent; we are built on thriving employers.

Local businesses, non-profits, special districts, and governments are voluntary dues-paying members of the Partnership. The membership, acting collectively, elects a board of directors and/or executive council to set policy for, and guide the workings of, the organization.

Vail Valley Partnership proudly represents the following towns and communities:

Beaver Creek
Red Cliff

Hear from the Vail Valley Businesses

Member Minute: Ruthie Hamrick

Vilar Performing Arts Center (VPAC)

Who We Represent

EagleVail Wolcott Edwards Avon Beaver Creek Eagle Gypsum Minturn Red Cliff Vail Denver >>