1. Resources:
Partnership members join Eagle County’s largest business group, connecting you with over 800 businesses representing over 1/3 of the business community in the valley and representing over 80% of the workforce. Members receive access to the Partnership’s marketing benefits to grow awareness of your business to locals and destination visitors; networking events to grow your professional network; and educational programming & signature program participation to grow your skill set.
Join now to tap into our programs and benefits to grow awareness of your business.
2. Information:
As a member of one of the largest business organizations in Colorado, Partnership members have access to a variety of information and research. Available research includes tourism research such as daily occupancy reports and airport operational reports, and business research such as demographics, monthly economic indicators, and annual workforce studies. The weekly VVP E-Newsletter features economic analysis, community event details, member profiles, non-profit spotlights, and more.
Join now to gain access to information & research to help your business operate efficiently throughout the year.
3. Advocacy:
Membership supports our continued efforts to enhance the business environment in the Vail Valley through efforts to build a business friendly Eagle County, provide a voice for business throughout the region and in Denver, grow air service at the Eagle County Regional Airport, support state-wide tourism efforts, and to advocate for our mountain resort community on issues such as broadband access, workforce development, and workforce housing. Your membership also supports our destination marketing efforts to promote the entire Vail Valley. Click here to read more about Vail Valley Partnership’s efforts in advocacy.
Join now to support our efforts to advocate for the Vail Valley and the needs of our business community.
4. Savings:
Members are eligible for complimentary entrance into After Hours Mixer networking events and discounted member pricing to Partnership educational and recognition events including the Annual Success Awards. Special member pricing also exists for participation in our Vail Valley Works professional development opportunities and signature programs including Lodging Quality Assurance and Certified Vendor Program. Members are eligible to participate in additional programs through our Member Savings Program.
Join now to save money and run your business more efficiently.