Vail Valley Economic Development
We are dedicated to the economic vitality of the Vail Valley. We have a membership of 750+ organizations that spans the Vail Valley and beyond, representing 80% or more of the local workforce. Vail Valley Economic Development is dedicated to ensuring local business success and fostering regional economic vitality.
We do this through three distinct, yet connected roles: as a Regional Chamber of Commerce offering business benefits and tools, as a Destination Sales Organization via our group & leisure sales efforts among other activities, and through our work as Vail Valley Economic Development (formerly the Economic Council of Eagle County.)
Vail Valley Economic Development (VVED) has an active Advisory Council representative of our trade area in terms of industry sectors and geography. It includes a mix of both public and private representation to improve communication and understanding on local economic issues across this common divide. Advisory Council member’s expertise and experience across a range of local industries, will equip VVED with a more complete understanding of our local and regional economy to allow us to continually adapt our programming and marketing efforts to best serve local needs.
Vail Valley Economic Development’s mission is to promote the long-term economic health of Eagle County and to solidify an economic base that is strong, diverse, and resilient.
Benefits of Service:
Advisory Council members do not receive financial compensation. Advisory Council members receive an opportunity to help shape the economic future of the region, interact with high-level community leaders in the public and private sectors and be directly involved in regional policy decisions and outcomes related to economic development efforts and the implementation of the Economic Development Plan.
Role of the Advisory Council:
The Advisory Council is a resource and sounding board for the Partnership related to regional economic development efforts. The Advisory Council will provide advisement on issues at hand to ensure that local economic development activities undertaken by Vail Valley Economic Development are relevant to the needs of the business community and remain aligned to our core mission. The Vail Valley Partnership Board of Governors retains all official organizational decision making powers over the activities undertaken by Vail Valley Economic Development.
The Advisory Council has two main responsibilities:
- Strategic Feedback:
Provide feedback related to implementation of the economic development plan, focusing both on near-term and longer-term challenges and opportunities.
- Community Commitment:
Steward the economic development effort by reinforcing the interdependency of the various communities and municipalities within the Vail Valley service region to position our community as not only a great place to live and work, but also a great place to do business.
Time Commitment:
Serving on the Economic Advisory Council will require a minimum commitment of 16 hours per year. Advisory Council meetings are usually held 4 times per year on a quarterly basis (two hours each), associated preparation time to review meeting materials and other public meetings and business outreach efforts.
Members of Vail Valley Partnership (both business and community) are eligible to serve.
Interested in participating? Contact VVP president & CEO Chris Romer at 970.477.4016 or Kay Schneider at (970) 477-4024