Vail Valley Works

Support Our Mission

Explore Vail Valley Works

Support Our Mission

Vail Valley Works programming is designed to establish, train, and support a network of local leaders who are ready to take on the challenges of an ever-changing community.

Vail Valley Works, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, encompasses professional development, work-based learning, nonprofit resources, and workforce mental wellness initiatives. We are committed to listening to, and collaborating with, the business community in order to provide the most relevant, timely, and innovative programming available.

  • Vision: Trusted source for workforce development resources, crafted to serve our unique rural setting.
  • Mission: Provide access to relevant, meaningful resources and opportunities at pivotal stages of career development.
  • Values: Collaboration, Service, Integrity, Innovation, Curiosity


Make a voluntary donation to Vail Valley Works and support the growth and leadership development of our local workforce! Your donation supports initiatives such as the implementation & expansion of existing programs, development of new programs, and scholarships for local professionals interested in investing in their personal growth.

Make A Donation

All donations are tax-deductible. No goods or services are provided as part of this donation. As of this date, the above-mentioned organization is a current and valid 501(c)(3) non-profit organization in accordance with the standards and regulations of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). 

Vail Valley Works EIN: 87-2474601


Your sponsorship helps ensure the success of these programs by covering costs such as scholarships, facilitator fees, materials, venue, food & beverage, marketing, and staff support. These contributions allow Vail Valley Works to deliver premium programs without a premium price tag.

Sponsorships can be program or initiative-specific and are a great fit for corporate giving programs, grant making organizations, and estate & legacy planning. Available opportunities include:

  • Program-Specific Sponsorships
  • Scholarship Fund Sponsorships
  • Innovation Fund Sponsorships

View Vail Valley Works Sponsorship Details