Workshop: Impossible Truths: Exploring Research at the Boundary where Science and Mystical Experience Meet


Workshop: Impossible Truths: Exploring Research at the Boundary where Science and Mystical Experience Meet

Event date: This event has already passed.

4 p.m. - 7 p.m.

Vail Public Library | Vail

Neurosurgeon Eben Alexander and neuroscientist Marjorie Woollacott discuss the hard problem of science meeting spirituality and ask, “What catalyzes transformation in the life of materialist scientists and others?” Learn how they had to rethink everything learned in graduate school and medical school about consciousness and after death survival – and how simple curiosity is the key to expanding our own understanding.

Dr. Marjorie Woollacott shares key research on end-of-life experiences, including terminal lucidity and end-of-life telepathic communication, as well as the controversial but compelling research on reincarnation. Dr. Eben Alexander discusses his own and others’ experiences with after-life communication, the essence of healing, and how science supports extraordinary states of consciousness consistent with mystical experiences.

For more information or to purchase tickets, click here.