Partnership positions
Bill Summary Alignment/Notes
HB24-1001 Reauthorization of Rural Jump-Start Program
M. Lukens, R. Taggart / D. Roberts, C. Simpson
This bill extends the existing Rural Jump-Start Program in the Office of Economic Development & International Trade, along with the program’s associated grant funding (until 2026) and tax credits (until 2031). This program is a collaboration by state and local governments, institutions of higher education, and economic development organizations to incentivize new businesses to start in or move to rural, economically-distressed counties. | Community resiliency / economic competitiveness |
HB24-1160 Economic Development Organization Action Grant Program
B. McLachlan, S. Bird / R. Zenzinger, B. Kirkmeyer |
This bill creates the Economic Development Action Grant Program in OEDIT to provide grants to EDOs for capacity-building and community-specific economic development programming. The program will be administered by a statewide economic development organization selected by OEDIT, and the bill transfers $2 million for the grant program with continuous appropriation authority.
Workforce Development |
SB24-106 Right to Remedy Construction Defects
R. Zenzinger, J. Coleman / S. Bird |
This bill creates a right for a construction professional to remedy a construction defect or hire a third party to perform the work; binding arbitration to resolve claims; and requires approval of a two-thirds majority of unit owners to bring a claim.
Housing |
SB24-112 Construction Defect Action Procedures
P. Lundeen |
This bill makes numerous changes to the procedure by which a homeowners association may proceed with a construction defect claim, including raising the voting threshold to a two thirds majority of owners, requiring unit owners to sign their vote, and increased notice and disclosures to unit owners.
Housing |
SB24-130 Noneconomic Damages Cap Medical Malpractice Actions
K. Mullica, P. Will / K. Brown |
This bill would raise the limit on noneconomic damages in medical liability cases from $300,000 to $500,000 in stages over five years. | Healthcare |
HB24-1107 Judicial Review of Local Land Use Decision
W. Lindstedt / J. Bridges |
This bill requires a court to award reasonable attorney fees to a prevailing defendant in an action for judicial review of a local land use decision, except for an action brought by the land use applicant before the governmental entity.
Housing |
SB24-091 Rights-of-Way Permits for Broadband Deployment
B. Pelton, K. Mullica / M. Martinez, M. Catlin |
The bill requires CDOT to set fees for broadband providers to access state-managed rights of way on a cost-based and non-discriminatory basis, based on how current law requires local governments to set their own rights of way fees.
Economic competitiveness |
SB24-100 – Commercial Vehicle Highway Safety Measures
D. Roberts, R. Will / E. Velasco, R. Taggart |
This bill sets forth several highway safety measures for commercial vehicles in Colorado and creates traffic offenses in certain circumstances. | Transportation |
SB24-002 Local Government Property Tax Credit Rebates
D. Roberts / J. McCluskey, L. Frizell
This bill concerns the authority of a local government to establish a property tax incentive program to address an area of specific local concern related to the use of real property in the government’s jurisdiction, and, in connection therewith, authorizing counties and municipalities to offer limited property tax credits or rebates to incentive program participants | Community resiliency / Housing |
HB24-1156 Chamber of Commerce Alcohol Special Event Permit
A. Hartsook, W. Lindstedt / J. Smallwood
Under current law, a special event permit allows the service of alcohol beverages during special events. The bill authorizes a special event permit to be issued to a chamber of commerce and chamber of commerce members to participate in a special event. Certain types of business are excluded from participating in the special event. The holder of a retail establishment permit may serve complimentary alcohol beverages during the event but must make snacks and sandwiches available during the event. | Community resiliency |
Bill Summary Alignment/Notes
HB24-1005 – Health Insurers Contract with Qualified Providers
C. deGruy Kennedy, D. Ortiz / D. Roberts, R. Fields |
Employers contract with health plans to provide health benefits to employees. This proposal jeopardizes network integrity by allowing an employee to seek primary care outside of their employer’s offered health benefit while also requiring the employer’s health plan to pay for that care.
HB24-1008 – Wage Claims Construction Industry Contractors
M. Duran, M. Froelich / J. Danielson, S. Jaquez Lewis
This bill establishes joint and several liability for construction general contractors for any wage claim made against a subcontractor on a project. The bill permits a general contractor to require indemnification from a subcontractor for amounts paid.
HB24-1075 Analysis of Universal Health-Care Payment System
K. McCormick, A. Boesenecker / J. Marchman, S. Jaquez Lewis |
This bill requires the Colorado School of Public Health, with the assistance of a newly created Statewide Healthcare Analysis Taskforce, to analyze model legislation created by a non-profit and includes a list of specific characteristics. The only difference between this year’s bill and last year’s is the makeup of the taskforce, which now includes members of the business community.
Healthcare |
HB24-1083 – Construction Professional Insurance Coverage Transparency
J. Willford, K. Brown / L. Cutter |
This bill Requires the Division of Insurance to conduct a study of the construction liability insurance market in Colorado, including the number of insurers, rates, coverage, exclusions, etc. The bill also requires the seller of a new residence to file details with the County Clerk and Recorder about all insurance policies covering the construction of the property.
SB24-033 Lodging Property Tax Treatment
C. Hansen / M. Weissman |
This bill would classify residences used for short term rentals (less than 30 days) as lodging property if used for more than 90 days in a year as a short-term rental. Though valued on the market approach, such property would be taxed at the rate for lodging property.
See more |
HB24-1299 Classification of Short-Term Rental Units for Purpose of Property Tax Treatment
S. Bird / K. Mullica |
This bill defines a short-term rental as a “unit that is not the owner’s primary or secondary residence.” A secondary residence is defined as “a residential improvement that is not the owner’s primary residence but at which the owner stays part-time. An owner shall not have more than one secondary residence.”
Economic competitiveness
STR’s are best managed at a local level vs one-size-fits-all state approach. |
Hear from the Vail Valley Businesses
Paul Abling
Vail Daily