VBR opens doors of opportunity for Eagle County students

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  • VBR opens doors of opportunity for Eagle County students

The Vail Board of Realtors Foundation awards 19 student scholarships for the 2021-22 academic year

“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest,” Benjamin Franklin. In the spirit of inspiring our next generation to do great things at an important time of change in our global economy, the Vail Board of Realtors®️ Foundation supports the quest for higher education for 19 local Eagle County students with a total of $32,000 in academic scholarships, in increments up to $2,000 each, for the 2021-22 school year. This annual scholarship program was established in 2018 as part of an overall mission effort that includes support for need-based education and has continued to steadily grow over the years with year-round fundraising efforts by Vail Board of Realtor®️ (VBR) members.

Claire Krueger, one of the 19 recipients and an upcoming junior at the University of Notre Dame, is honing in on her future, and shares how important every bit of support she has received is to her college experience.

VBR Foundation scholarship recipient, Claire Kruger.

“Everything about Notre Dame is expensive (tuition, housing, food, extra clubs) so, no matter how large or small, every scholarship means a great amount to me. It allows me to focus my efforts beyond academics and enhances my student life,” says Krueger. “Not having to worry so much about money relieves my overall stress from everything in college and gives me the chance to fully embrace being the Vice President of my dorm, having an executive position within my club soccer team, or getting involved in other clubs and service activities.”

Requirements to earn one of these scholarship awards are comparable to other private scholarship opportunities and fairly attainable, but as awareness of this funding opportunity grows, competition is getting more intense. Students who apply for this funding can expect to write an essay, share their current GPA, describe where they will be going to school and what they plan to study. Additionally, the scholarship review committee is interested in volunteer work, community involvement, and activities that have shaped the applicant’s life direction and educational goals.

Since its launch four years ago, this popular VBR Foundation scholarship program has grown from 5 recipients being awarded in 2018 and nearly quadrupling to 24 awards last year. According to the Foundation scholarship committee chair, Ann Foster, this year, despite (or likely because of) the COVID-19 pandemic disruption, the committee received 29 applications, the most it has ever seen.

“This year’s turnout was fantastic. We reviewed some amazing applications from our youth community. They are studying everything from physical therapy and business to engineering, computer science and architecture. And, they are attending Colorado schools like CU Boulder, CSU, and School of the Mines, as well as across the U.S. including Cal Poly and San Diego State in California to Notre Dame and Purdue in Indiana, all the way to Boston and upstate New York.”

Foster has been a member of the VBR since 2007. Now that her children have grown and started their adult lives, she has the opportunity to dedicate more time to committees and causes supported by the VBR that she believes in. This is her first year serving as chair of the scholarship committee and she serves as a director on the VBR Foundation Board of Directors and on the Vail Multi-List Service (VMLS) Board as well.

Ann Foster, VBR Foundation Scholarship Committee chair

“I really enjoy leading this committee, it’s very fulfilling,” explains Foster. “I want to make a difference in the lives of our young people and giving back to our local students is important to me. My fellow real estate brokers and VBR members encouraged me to get involved in this program and I look forward to seeing what this next year brings.”

Foster leads a committee of five members. The application review process is entirely anonymous to ensure there is no bias in our relatively small community, and awards are based on merit and fulfillment of criteria. A typical private foundation approach. However, fundraising for this program this year was anything but typical.

“This was definitely a tough fundraising year,” she continues. “But we were able to pivot and adjust our approach to raise as much as we have been able to raise in years past, thankfully.”

Traditional fundraising efforts for the Foundation rely heavily on in-person events including a Golf Tournament that was canceled yet still garnered some thoughtful donations and the annual Colorado Gives Day in December. But what really made the difference was the annual Holiday Party silent auction turned online auction without a party.

“The online auction brought in phenomenal results and it’s thanks to the efforts of all of our participating members and their real estate offices. We reached out to each office and asked them to create auction packages based on a theme. Our office had a ski theme that included new skis, clothing, passes, and dining. Other offices created packages around women’s beauty day, men’s survival guide, wine and dining throughout the valley. They were a big hit.”

With 2020 being a strong real estate sales year, our local broker community and VBR members really stepped up and gave back to support our community and organization in a big way.

What’s next for Claire? Finishing her studies for sure. “I have some plans after graduating but am not too certain. I am in Air Force ROTC which means I will go into the Air Force for about four years right after college most likely as an engineer. After I serve, I am interested in working some as an engineer, potentially getting a masters in Architecture, or getting an MBA.”

But, while she finishes her studies at Notre Dame, she will continue to embrace her opportunities. “I love to be involved in everything and go to every event. I am very grateful to have this scholarship. It pushes me to be the best student and person I can be at Notre Dame and I’m happy to embody what VBR is putting their money to. I also want to show my community what people here are capable of achieving.”

The Vail Board of Realtors®️ Foundation’s annual scholarship opportunity opens every spring and is awarded in August for the upcoming year. More information on the VBR Foundation can be found at VBR.net.