Full details of Monday, April 6 Eagle County Public Health Order can be found HERE. View updates for essential services and businesses below.
This Order:
- IMPORTANT FOR ALL ESSENTIAL SERVICES & BUSINESSES: All employers providing Essential Services or Businesses must prepare a “Social Distancing Protocol” by 5:00 pm on April 9 for each of their facilities or operational locations in Eagle County frequented by the public or employees. The Social Distancing Protocol must be substantially in the form attached to this Order as Appendix A and must address the social distancing requirements in subsection F, above.
- Supersedes the Standing Public Health Order Related to Events, Bars, and Restaurants dated March 18, 2020, as amended.
- Extends until April 30, 2020 the Standing Public Health Order Related to Essential Eagle County Governmental Functions dated March 14, 2020.
- Sets forth requirements and restrictions for, as well as limitations on, social distancing, gatherings, and the businesses and facilities that may remain open to slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus.
On March 6, 2020, Eagle County declared a Local Disaster Emergency related to COVID-19. On March 10, 2020, the Governor of Colorado declared a state of Emergency related to the presence of COVID-19 in the State. The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment has confirmed that COVID-19 continues to spread throughout the State of Colorado, and community transmission of the illness has been confirmed in Eagle County. The spread of the illness continues in Eagle County despite the Colorado Governor’s recent Executive Order closing ski resorts and local Public Health Orders limiting events. The federal government is also urging that groups be limited to 10 persons and is urging against leaving the home, including to visit grocery stores, restaurants, bars, and food courts until at least April 30, 2020.
The age, condition, and health of a significant portion of the population in Eagle County places it at risk of serious health complications, including death, from COVID-19. Although most individuals who contract COVID-19 do not become seriously ill, persons with mild symptoms and asymptomatic persons with COVID-19 may place other vulnerable members of the public at significant risk. A large surge in the number of persons with serious infections can compromise the ability of the healthcare system, particularly in the high country counties currently affected by community transmission, to deliver necessary healthcare to the public.
The use of social distancing, limitations on the size of gatherings, and prohibiting unnecessary business operations decreases the risk of COVID-19 transmission to our most vulnerable populations, and is especially important for people who are over 60 years old and those with chronic health conditions due to their higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19. This Order will reduce the likelihood that many individuals will be exposed to COVID-19, and will therefore slow the spread of COVID-19 in our communities.
This Order is adopted pursuant to the legal authority set forth in sections 25-1-506 and 25-1-508, Colorado Revised Statutes. Under these laws, the local Public Health Director has the duty to investigate and control the causes of epidemic or communicable diseases and conditions affecting public health and to establish, maintain, and enforce isolation and quarantine, and in pursuance thereof, and for this purpose only, to exercise physical control over property and over the persons of the people within the jurisdiction of the agency as the agency may find necessary for the protection of the public health. All persons in Eagle County, including in all towns, must follow the requirements stated herein.
Updates for Essential Services and Businesses
IV. Order – Section F: Social Distancing Requirements for Essential Services and Businesses
- For all Essential Services and Businesses, the following steps must be employed to mitigate risks:
- Older adults (age 60 and older) and individuals with underlying medical conditions that are at increased risk of serious COVID-19 are encouraged not to attend (including employees) or to tele-work where possible.
- Employees must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms each day and excluded if symptomatic as described in the self-isolation requirements in subsection (B)(1).
- Social distancing measures must be employed to ensure that employees and people from the public can easily maintain a minimum of 6 foot distance from each other, except for momentary circumstances to accept payment, deliver goods, walk past or perform otherwise necessary tasks. Achieving adequate social distancing may require limiting the number of people that can enter or participate in an Essential Service or Business at any one time.
- In Essential Services or Businesses where activities necessitate that employees are within the minimum of 6 foot distance from each other, beyond the momentary circumstances described in subsection iii. above, employees must cover their nose and mouth with a non-medical, cloth face-covering.
- Vehicles other than those used for public transit that transport multiple employees of Essential Services and Businesses are a higher-risk environment. To reduce the risks of COVID-19 exposure, the following requirements apply:
- Employees must be screened for COVID-19 symptoms each day and be excluded if symptomatic, as described in the self- isolation requirements in subsection (B)(1)
- Employeesmustusehandsanitizeruponenteringthevehicle and must cover their nose and mouth with a non-medical, cloth face-covering when in vehicles with more than 1 person;
- The number of passengers must be limited to 50% of a vehicle’s occupancy to increase the distance between passengers to the largest extent possible;
- Windows will remain open and/or ventilation will be increased;
- Vehicles will have high-touch surfaces disinfected daily.
- Where lines may form at a facility, six-foot increments at a minimum must be marked, establishing where individuals should stand to maintain adequate social distancing;
- Signs at the entrance of a facility must be posted informing all employees and customers that they should: avoid entering the facility if they have a cough or fever; maintain a minimum six-foot distance from one another; sneeze and cough into one’s elbow; not shake hands or engage in any unnecessary physical contact.
- Hand sanitizer , soap and water , or effective disinfectant should be made available at or near the entrance of the facility and in other appropriate areas for use by attendees, the public, and employees, and in locations where there is high-frequency employee interaction with members of the public (e.g. cashiers);
- Contactless payment systems should be provided, or, if not feasible to do so, all payment portals, pens, and styluses must be disinfected after each use; and
- Other high-touch surfaces should be regularly disinfected and environmental cleaning guidelines from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) must be followed (e.g., clean and disinfect high touch surfaces daily or more frequently).
IV. Order – Section G: Additional Social Distancing Requirements for Employers
- All employers providing Essential Services or Businesses must prepare a “Social Distancing Protocol” by 5:00 pm on April 9 for each of their facilities or operational locations in Eagle County frequented by the public or employees. The Social Distancing Protocol must be substantially in the form attached to this Order as Appendix A and must address the social distancing requirements in subsection F, above.
- The Social Distancing Protocol must be posted at or near the entrance of the relevant facility, and shall be easily viewable by the public and employees. A copy of the Social Distancing Protocol must also be provided to each employee performing work at the facility.
- All employers providing Essential Services or Businesses shall implement the Social Distancing Protocol and provide evidence of its implementation to any authority enforcing this Order upon demand.
- For construction businesses, additional guidance for social distance has been developed by the State of Colorado and must be consulted in addition to the requirements outlined in this Section IV.
- Failure to develop and post a Social Distancing Protocol or inability to meet the requirements as outlined above may result in the closure of a business.
Full details of Monday, April 6 Eagle County Public Health Order can be found HERE. Pursuant to section 25-1-506 (2)(a)(I), Colorado Revised Statutes, this Order is effective immediately within the entirety of Eagle County, including all towns within the county, until April 30, 2020.