Please Vote YES on 1A! It's why we live here.

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  • Please Vote YES on 1A! It’s why we live here.

Please Vote YES on 1A!  It’s why we live here.

Natural landscapes sustain us: they make us happier, healthier and calmer.  Our open spaces, mountains, valleys and rivers are what brought us and our families here and are why we stay.

Have you hiked or biked on the West Avon Preserve?  Or Miller Ranch Open Space?  Have you enjoyed the red rocky views as you drive between Edwards and Eagle or the beautiful ranch lands as you enter Glenwood Canyon?  What about all those great boat ramps on the Colorado River?  And I know we are all excited to fish, hike and explore the new Hardscrabble project in Eagle!  Thank you Eagle County Open Space Department for all these wonderful community assets!

Those are just a few of the projects that have been made possible by the open space mill levy that we have here in Eagle County.  With these funds Eagle County can buy property turning it into public land for recreation as well as buy development rights from private property to strategically conserve our scenic vistas and open ranges.  Let’s all vote YES on 1A to continue this important legacy.

Please join me in VOTING YES on 1A

Thank you for your support!

Adriana Bombard

Eagle Valley Land Trust board member